I Have A TheoryI Have a Theory is a podcast where I explore intersections between physics, metaphysics, religion, society, consciousness and being. Pretty big topics, for which there is a very narrow range of people interested!
Mostly today it seems if you like science you must hate religion and metaphysics, and vice versa. And consciousness is only barely being reckoned with in science, but I and a very few others, have gone deep on it for a long time and some have included everything in their theory of everything. Including the truth that we are co-creators in this universe by way of consciousness. I have a theory of everything that incorporates my own experience of becoming nothing. Vanishing into God and apriori creation. And returning. This movement of annhilation of the self, spoken about in most religions in some way or another, is what returns the energy back to source. Eliminating over 'time' the apparent expansion of the universe. What was at the beginning a lot of energy and little information (not complex mass/data). Energy = Information. Knowledge literally is Power. That grew & gathered itself until it was a lot of mass, a bit more complex with the energy and information able to be stored within the masses. Then some of the masses were able to become conscious and perceive themselves. They became more complex. Created languages enabling shared information among them. The whole greater than the part. Some also hoarded information and became - low energy immovable gathering masses - cancerous stumbling blocks to the true self and vision of God. When we live with integrity and love for one another - other spiritual experiences can come into our lives - balancing a lot of the difficulties that arise on this path that goes against the great hierarchies and powers of this world. Eventually, my interest and understanding of physics, quantum mechanics, religions, philosophies etc. brought me to annhialation--death & resurrection of myself and the combination of this return, and my long interest in science had me trying to understand it from both a religious and science perspective. I've never been very good about talking about it all in soundbites or short conversations with people not really interested or knowledgeable enough to really understand what I am talking about anyway. I started it to share what I know, to find like-minded souls. I hope that I can generate an interest in the subject matter which is MIND BLOWING! and EXCITING! and INSPIRING! For more information, my website, poorly maintained for the podcast does have some episode guides, and links to To learn more about all of my theories and different interpretations of The Bible, scientific data, what is really going on in the world etc. Please visit anchor.fm/ihaveatheorypodcast I hope you find it interesting! It would be best to start with episode 1 otherwise it might be hard to follow. I tried to make it accessible. |
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